Bio Peel is a herbal treatment made from Algae and Spirulina combined with a minimal amount of acid to help remove the dead layer of the skin. Bio peel is amazing as it targets blocked pores, comodones, spots, as well as 1st and 2nd stage Acne. This may also be used for pigmentation and hyperkeratosis

The benefits of Bio Peel:
🌱Reduces Acne + Acne Scarring
🌱Aids in reducing the appearance of pigmentation
🌱Reduces breakouts + Congested skin
🌱Can be done on most parts of the body
🌱Brighter + Smoother looking skin

The Bio Peel treatment also includes a complimentary 30 minutes skin oxygenating treatment one week after the Bio Peel.
💚 A Course of 3 Bio Peel is recommended for maximum results
💚 3-5 Days Down Time
⏱ 60 minutes (including consultation)
*Disclaimer: Results vary from person to person. Everyone’s skin is different and respond to things differently. Results are based on the individual’s skin. So please be patient and consistent with your skin 🌟

Key Ingredients: 

Hydrogen Peroxide